On March 5th we had the pleasure of talking about sustainable business models and innovation to participants at TRIPPEL. It is a program for social innovation and green growth initiated by innovation and design company Scandinavian Design Group and environmental foundation GreeNudge. Their goal is to create a portfolio of business concepts that create a greener future for the participating companies, climate and society.
Every year TRIPPEL will be working with a new industry, and this is the first year they collected non-competing companies representing the entire value chain around catering, and NGOs and other businesses as: CICERO, DIFI, Food Studio, defense, Into Life, Compass & Co., Lerøy, Nordic Choice Hotels, Norwegian Design and Architecture, Norwegian Recycling Nortura, Oslo Municipality, urban environment agency, Studentsamskipnaden in Oslo and Akershus and TINE.
The project started in November 2014 and the final concepts will be presented at the EAT conference in Stockholm in June 2015. In addition to our presentation, we had the opportunity to work with the participants. They presented several exciting projects, and we look forward to follow these projects in the future.
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