Our new book, Responsible and Profitable: Strategies for Sustainable Business Models is now available at Cappelen Damm Akademisk. The book is a direct translation of our Norwegian book, Ansvarlig og lønnsom , and it will be used at curriculum at our master course, Sustainable Business Models at NHH.
Reed an excerpt of the book here.
Read Robert Strand’s endorsment of the book:
“Responsible and Profitable is a refreshingly practical and inspiring read for practitioners and scholars alike. This is a remarkably well-researched and well-written contribution. Moreover, Jørgensen and Pedersen offer a behind the scenes view into the sustainability practices of firms based in the world’s leading region for sustainable and responsible business: Scandinavia. This provides a goldmine of material for inspiration to encourage more sustainable and responsible business models throughout the world.”
Robert Strand , Executive Director, Center for Responsible Business, University of California-Berkeley, Haas School of Business; Assistant Professor, Copenhagen Business School
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