On February 3rd, we gave the key note presentation “Forretningsmodeller for grønn omstilling” (“Business Models for Sustainability”) at Lerchendalkonferansen 2016 (The Lerchendal Conference). This is an annual conference for decision makers in business, politics and society, and it aims to put the most urgent topics for business and society on the national agenda. The conference is organised by the Research Council of Norway, NTNU, SINTEF, and TEKNA.
The theme for this year’s conference was “Green growth in practice – cooperation for new, sustainable business”. Other speakers at the event included amongst other Jonas Gahr Støre (head of the Labour Party), Mariana Mazzucato (Professor at the University of Sussex), Idar Kreutzer (CEO of Finance Norway) and Sigve Brekke (CEO of Telenor).
Here is the video of our talk (in Norwegian).
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