Companies are currently under pressure to design smarter, sustainable and profitable business models. But companies struggle to achieve this in practice. And a closer look at the courses that are offered in most universities and business schools around the world, reveals that there is a need for more research-based knowledge about sustainable business model innovation, the circular economy, how to do materiality assessments, ESG, the implementation of sustainable business models, social innovation, and so on.
To give students, teachers, and practitioners the opportunity to learn about these important issues, we have created SustBus – a free, Open Access, online teaching program. It consists of 32 short videos, which are organized in 6 modules. The program is developed jointly by Copenhagen Business School , ESADE Business School Barcelona , and Norwegian School of Economics (NHH) , and was co-founded by Erasmus+.
In the below video, we describe the sustainability problem, and we shortly explain the idea behind the videos in this free, online teaching program.
In addition to these free, online videoes, we have written an accompanying, free, Open Access book, RESTART Sustainable Business Model Innovation. The book is published by Palgrave, and it has been downloaded over 150 000 times. Both the videos at SustBus and the book at Palgrave can be used without any form of registration.
In the video below we give you an outline of the RESTART-framework for sustainable business model innovation, which you can learn more about in the videos and download here for free (no registration needed, you can also read it online, without downloading it).
The six modules in the online program have the following headlines:
Module 1: The problem of sustainability
Module 2: Business models for sustainability
Module 4: Social innovation
Module 6: Business in a sustainable future
You can see all of the videos at the SUSTBUS webpage, or you can see them in the playlist we have made at Jørgensen & Pedersen’s YouTube channel. You can, of course, also pick and choose which videos to see. And you are free to use and share this Open Access material as you please.
It was great fun producing these videos with David Murillo Bonvehí , Mireia Yter Gimeno, Kirsti Reitan Andersen , Esben Rahbek Pedersen , and Ana Lucia Diaz Schiavon. A big thank you to our fantastic coordinator Marie van Beijeren.
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